TARGET 3001! Shop

Just buy our pro­fes­sio­nal Layout CAD Soft­ware. De­ve­lop your next elec­tro­nic de­sign easi­ly, all in one tool, all in one pro­ject-file.

New Versions TARGET 3001! V32

Our different editions are divided into two categories: Commercial and Non-Commercial editions, with different licenses. Do you earn money with your business and/or the projects? Then you should opt for a commercial edition (from "smart" upwards).

Commercial Editions

Commercial usage allowed. As soon as you earn money with the work results of the software, it is a commercial use. This applies to all commercial ventures, as well as research institutions. These editions are suitable for commercial use:

Non-commercial Editions

The intention of earning money must not be connected with the use of our non-commercial editions. A commercial usage is therefore excluded for the following editions and mostly concerns the private use, such as Makers, Hobbyists or educational situations as with pupils, trainees or students:

Updates / Upgrades V32

You already own a TARGET 3001! License and want to purchase a newer version (update) and/or a larger edition/extension level (upgrade)? The pin limits are no longer sufficient or you need more copper layers? You simply want the latest TARGET 3001! version? Then you are exactly right here!

Autorouter Electra V32

ELECTRA is a "shape based" Autorouter-Software by Konekt in Belgium. In contrast to grid-oriented autorouters, the "shape based" approach leads to a more efficient use of the available space on the board. This makes it possible to handle even complex design rules, for example for plated-through boards or high-density SMD boards. ELECTRA achieves highest resolution rates and generates appealing designs.